Overseas Practitioners are those working outside countries supported by either an established International Equine Touch Association or Network of ETF (Equine Touch Foundation) Approved Instructors (updated July 2019).
All named have completed the ETF Practitioners’ education track with a certified Diploma, have passed all written examinations and practical assessments, have completed the number of hours required to assure the continued quality of ET/VHT/CT delivered and have elected to work independently as Practitioners within the legal requirements of their country of practice and are currently fully licensed to practice in the named modality:
ET – Equine Touch
VHT – Vibromuscular Harmonisation Technique
CT – Canine Touch
If you are interested in booking a Practitioner please give them a call/email to discuss your requirements in more detail.
Only the Practitioners listed on our websites may charge a fee for offering professional ET/VHT/CT sessions. Neither ETF nor IETA UK & Ireland can be held responsible if members of the public do not check credentials.
Denyse Cambie, Tauranga, Equinetouchtauranga@yahoo.co.nz, Ph: 5526442 ET, CT, VHT
Sue Court, Ph: 0221714122 earthhorseaotearoa@gmail.com ET
Victoria Morrison, Whanganui/Manawatu/Rangitikei area, PH: 0211840175, vicmorrison81@yahoo.co.uk ET
Gail Sharpe, Tauranga, Ph: 0210781924 ET
Rachel Hutton, Ph: 021 1479574, rcl604@gmail.com ET Banks Peninsular & Lincoln.
Sue Latham, Te Puke, Western Bay Of Plenty, 027 6883826, bigbuttonahorse@gmail.com ET
Veronica Moore, Matamata 021 233 3559, veronica.moore2@gmail.com ET