Level 3 clinic is taught in two different formats (depending on the country). Whether the student is attending the 2 day practical clinic followed by the three-day theory clinic with Dr Ivana Ruddock – or attending the original 4 day intensive clinic, as a trainee practitioner or a horse lover the high standard of education remains the same.
At this level the student is taught to understand the elements of influence which the horse is subjected to after it has been brought into the human world and how to recognize the problems and understand the effects that it has on the horse. The emphasis is then placed on the student understanding why and where Equine Touch comes into play as well as laying out the facts that no matter how hard we work or how effective ET is without the understanding of these elements of influence such as – saddle – hooves – teeth – rider – training – food – environment, nothing can effectively last.
Students are supplied with two fully illustrated manuals. On completion of the clinic each student is issued with a formal certificate which is recognized world wide by any of our licensed instructors and is the prerequisite to sitting the practitioner exam and assessments as well as being a prerequisite for attending any Level 4 class.